Monday, February 26, 2007

I post again.

I know I have not posted in a while. Part of it is the lack of a camera. Mine is not working well at all and tends to frustrate me. Besides that I left it at my sister’s house two weeks ago- when I officially had it with it. The battery was charged and then died after 1 photo. Yesterday I broke down and decided to buy a new camera. Went to the store, picked one out, and of course it was out of stock! It will be in tonight. Great- except who has time on Monday night to go pick up a new camera?
A few friends have noted that their husband’s returned from Iraq two years ago this past week. One thing that they may not know is that their husband’s commander, LTC Sinclair is being promoted today to COL Sinclair! Congratulations to all of the Sincalairs since we know that success in the Army is much more than just the soldier!

Another thing that has been noted is the feeling of disconnect when away from the military. It has been almost a year and a half since we exited that life. We are adjusted to our “new” life, but we miss the “old” life more than I ever expected. Most of all we miss the family we made while in Schweinfurt. I think of all of you often and am excited to receive updates and know that you are well. You will always be family to us.


jill said...

It's funny how "family" can be both something you are born into and then, as we get older, people that we chose. You can't help but need and "chose" family for support and companionship when you are so far from home.
~~glad you are feeling better!

MSB said...

I miss you so much! There is no one else that I want to eat take-out italian food with and watch survivor!
How did you find out about COL Sinclair?? If you have a current email for them, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Trip & I realized it had been two years last week. Time flys fast! I agree, being in Germany and with good friends was a great opportunity and sometimes I don't think I realized how much fun it was at the time. I am glad we can all stay in touch and continue our friendships as we get older. Why is the grass always greener on the other side it seems? I hope you are feeling better, my flu is pretty much gone now which is nice.