Friday, February 9, 2007


There is always an excitement inside of me on Friday. This weekend will hopefully be relaxing- tomorrow night I have a "girls" party while MW is going to the Nets game. Other than that we plan to clean house and get things done. The pups are in need of a little attention and I could use an afternoon on the couch next to the fire. That is my hope for the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Weekends are for Fun and Relaxation.
Yours sounds like it should cover both. (Unfortunately, house cleaning has to happen no matter what your plans may be)
PJW relaxes by keeping physically active. I like to read (I am in a couple of book clubs) and also do some socializing on the weekends. I am hoping we can both do what we enjoy.
Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

How about some pictures you two!! I need to be reminded how ugly Mark is and how wonerful you are!! You two take care. Love reading your blog.... just more pictures!

Deric Holbrook