Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Handy Work

So last night I came home to something interesting. A little background: we moved into our house last spring. Even though it was not the dead of winter we instantly noticed the first level (our entry and foyer) are cooler than the rest of the house. We later realized that would be because they forgot to put heating vents downstairs! So, winter approached and it became colder and colder- Finally, we were offered an electric heating unit to be installed in the wall to compensate for the cold first floor which also crept up the stairs into the now cold second level. At first we thought we did not want electric heat, but then the deep freeze set in. So, yesterday they came to install the unit. And did they ever- I got a phone call from MW last evening telling me not to be alarmed if I came in the house and found "small holes" in the walls. He said they will be fixed tomorrow. I instantly cringed. I entered the house through the garage. Inside the garage there are three decent size holes cut out of the ceiling and one curls around on to the wall. Huh. I thought. OK. It is the garage- they'll fix it. Then I walked in the hall. And of course I wanted to see the new heating unit- and did I ever! Right next to the heater sits a 2 x 3 foot hole in my wall with insulation looking back at me! And next to that you ask? Another hole. About 6x 8 inches. Why the heck that size? The big hole is at least the size of the unit- but "oops that was not the right spot- let's have another cut at the wall and maybe this time we will get it right. And while we are at it lets gouge a few spots too!!!" Ughhh. These people come in to fix one thing and ALWAYS make another bigger problem. I was promised it would be fixed today- but that is impossible. They have to repair the wall- oh I mean replace the wall they removed and then paint. Not just any paint- eggshell. Which means you can not just touch up one spot. The entire wall now needs to be repainted. Tell me, "how can this be done in one day?" That is what I thought. Can't wait to go home tonight! Absolutely amazing. Glad the workers got to practice on my house. And did I mention the heater is not working?


jill said...

What a mess!! Keep the faith and the hopes for heat!! Then look at Elliott, your one-antlered reindeer, and smile. 'Cause you know with Pez in the world, everything is gonna be alright! :-)

Anonymous said...

The title of your blog should be, "not so handy work". Good luck!

Anonymous said...

If Red dog likes unstuffing toys imagine how much fun she will have unstuffing the insulation from the now exposed walls!!! See, the construction team is only thinking of the poor puppies who do not get to go outside to play now that it is so cold. Plus I think the insulation should absorb the extra dog drool, so it is good for you too. JAW