Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Anticipation of big news

We are going to find out what we are having in just over a week. I am so excited to learn a little more about the identity of our little one. As the date gets closer I get more excited for the news.

I am sure all of you moms have heard that the heart rate of the baby can predict the sex as well. I hear girls hearts are faster and boys a bit slower. What I don't know is where the line is drawn of fast verse slow. Any insight?

How about guesses? Since I hope the baby will cooperate and we will know the sex very soon feel free to cast your vote / opinion as to if it is a boy or a girl!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

no news and big news

Hey all,

It has been some time for a few reasons. One, I am still looking for work and have had an interesting run at the job market recently. I have had such positive leads that I have thought, "how could it not work out," only for the jobs to not work out. So, the search continues. I have a phone interview tomorrow, but we will see. The job market is just one tough place right now.

My job search had a wrench thrown into right away with a big exciting surprise! Mark and I are expecting our first baby in November! We are thrilled. Although the baby was "planned" I am sure it is always somewhat a surprise when the miracle occurs. We are over the moon excited, but I am also a bit nervous about not being able to find work now. I hate to mix these two topics since work is so blah and a baby is such a miracle! Anyway, I was waiting to share this news until some time has passed- and now I am in my 14th week.

More updates to come...