Friday, January 12, 2007

We are looking forward to our travels this weekend. I am leaving the office very soon, but wanted to drop a quick note. The week has been so busy it flew by. MW did receive an offer this week, but has another pending and is waiting on that to come through. It is a huge decision to relocate without the assistance of the military. We would need to negotiate the relocation thing a little more etc.
I just barely remembered to grab my camera for this weekend, but fortunately it made it. The only downfall is the battery charger did not- so we will see how far we get. It is never too much of a worry since all Wanish's own multiple cameras.
Meanwhile, back in our reality of the daily work grind things are going smoothly (for us at least). MW's company "rightsized" yesterday- as opposed to downsized- this is the politically correct term from an HR perspective, but he is still sitting comfortably and employed. I have been picking up extra projects lately and there is talk of relieving me of my miserable existence that has become my current role.
The puppies are good- they are going to be cared for this weekend by Auntie Tina. She treats them very well- too many treats at times, but they lover her so much. Her little man Romeo will probably come over and play too. So, I can rest easy knowing that my kids are taken care of.

We are going to the concert tonight and are now hoping to embark on a trip to Ft. Bragg for a quick, but long overdue visit with friends. We miss everyone so much and don't want to miss an opportunity to catch up with friends.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


MSB said...

Say hi to the NC crowd for me... I miss them, too!
Have a great weekend!

KBG said...

Hey, you'll be close to my hometown! Tell everyone hi for me! And I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for MW!

Anonymous said...

Hey Trish hope you had a nice weekend. Please keep us posted as far as you and Marks jobs go you're in our thoughts and prayers. Praying that Mark is feeling better with that whole rib thing I haven't read your blog in awhile so I'm a little behind. Love the part about the dogs I'd take them in a heart beat :) Lots of love to everyone. Rach and Spence