Thursday, January 25, 2007

Frigid air

NY is facing "Arctic Air" as reported by the weather station. It is going to be "the coldest since January 2004." So, as you can imagine I am really looking forward to my evening walk home. We may get about an inch of snow, but nothing to get excited about. If it is going to be winter I would like to have some snow. I usually like one big storm maybe two. Nothing yet though. Not one shoveling experience this winter.

I really have nothing to say today other than it is cold. I do have a photo I can share though. Why not. This was another very cold day back in Massbach. Anyone who knew this house will appreciate the view. REWE is just over MW's right shoulder. I loved that store.


Anonymous said...

What a great photo. Sometimes I do miss being in Germany. We all had some good times!

MSB said...

I miss Germany so much... I could really go for some Lowenzahn right now... we need to make a date to go there again sometime! I miss watching the lesbian waitress hit on you and make fun of Jeff saying kassespaetzel!

Childress Family said...

Aww...and your little Italian restaurant where they called you...what was it that guy called you?

TW said...

Georgia! Why I have no idea, but I was always known as Georgia.

Joanne and Deric said...

Golly, how I miss Europe!!!
Here is the website for the slieshow you asked about on my blog. Its so easy you will laugh!
Hopefully chat to you guys soon.