Friday, September 7, 2007

What the week was all about

We returned from TN on Monday to find that my mom's preconstruction home is sheet rocked! It looks great- (photos to follow once MW returns home with the camera chord).

Tuesday we were both exhausted from the relaxing weekend in the mountains. (again photos in a bit)

Wednesday I started on operation redecorate the blue room- actually it has been an ongoing process, but the curtain was made on Wednesday. I am buying paint this weekend and once it is done will post the changes.

Last night we volunteered as a family, at a local shelter providing dinner and dessert and serving it to approximately 30 people. It was a good experience and I think we will do it again.

Sometime in the night Wednesday our air conditioning died on the second floor. It is still 90 something during the day here, so it is quite problematic. We woke up TH morning to an 83 degree room. Last night at "bedtime" it was 88 in our room. Needless to say the sleeping has not been great. The AC repair man is here now and we have a 425 dollar repair needed- the only good thing is when we closed in April we bought a one year home warranty- So, cross your fingers we can claim this. I am hoping in a few hours the upstairs will be restored to its cool temperature- that being anything below 82 degrees.

I had an interview today- that is all I will say, but please keep your fingers crossed that something comes up soon. I am really tired of interviewing and even more tired of being unemployed. I never thought it would be so difficult to find work here. I am frustrated and tired- at least I had an interview though- that is half the battle.

Photos to follow later. Happy Friday.


MSB said...

Fingers are crossed for the interview!
I am glad that you are back... how was the trip?

The Bellard Family said...

I detected a hint in your comment that you think I do not like Bostonians. Not true. But it is very different from the southeast where it is total red country. I am excited to move up there soon. Good luck with your job hunt and interviews! I have been job hunting in Boston and it seems to have a lot of open possibilites for the field I am interested in. Hope all is well with you guys!