Monday, September 17, 2007

A mini reunion

Saturday we were fortunate enough to have puppy care and went to the Army vs. Wake Forest game in Winston-Salem. We met up with old friends and had a great time! Here are some of the shots I took.

Yesterday we had a relaxing day hanging out with the pup. He is making progress. He is even standing up on his own at times- although he is not very steady. We are really impressed with his progress and hope to see him walking again soon. The most exciting thing is that on Saturday he began wagging his tail a little bit! If anyone knows a labs tail they know it is the clearest indicator as to what they are feeling- with out the wagging tail it is hard to know....

On the job front- it looks like I will have a second interview with a company this least I am interviewing these days. It took a long time just to get people to call. Hopefully, one of these interviews will amount to something. Ideally, the one I am interviewing for a second time this week. It seems like a good match. Keep your fingers crossed.


jill said...

Good news all around!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed on the job and the wagging tail. :-) What are the photos from on top?

Anonymous said...

I am glad he seems to be doing better. I keep checking back on the blog for updates on him!
BTW- MW hair is long. Long compared to what I am used to...I guess I was around the Army too much and anything seems long now.
Glad all is well.
Love- R

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear about the progress. Keep us posted. We bought the house although I think we overpaid it's over and I'm thankful. Now on to the painting and moving. Good luck with the interview I know whatever is meant to happen will. Take care, Rach

MSB said...

The game looks like it was fun!

I miss you guys... maybe you should fly out for a visit...