Monday, July 23, 2007

tomorrow is the big day

After three months of unemployment I am going back to work. I accepted a contract job that may become permanent- it is right up my alley and basically what I was doing in NY before I left. I am looking forward to the job, but am also somewhat sad that my days of doing whatever I want all day are ending! I have gotten used to this freedom, so getting back into the grind will be tough. I am sure I will be pretty tired for the next few weeks. I have my fingers crossed that I will like what I am doing...
As most of you readers know, Bailey broke / chipped his hip in May. He seems to be doing much better, but occasionally he shows signs of weakness or pain. The other night after playing a lot of ball he was limping a little bit, and sometimes his leg will give out on the stairs. This morning his leg gave out on the top stair and sadly he fell down the entire flight. I was at the top of the stairs and could do nothing about it. He got right up and walked on, but it breaks my heart that my five year old dog is already showing such signs of aging. He needs to go get x-rays on his hip again to determine if he will have surgery. My guess is yes- once his parents have the money to pay for it. My poor baby. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love my kids!

Here is my old man... Why do humans taunt animals by dressing them up and taking their picture? Oh yeah, because it is so funny! Check out the beard!


Childress Family said...

Congrats on the new job! Good luck today. You'll do great!

jill said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You will be an asset in whatever position you fill. Good luck starting back, it can be draining. But the pay check will perk you right up!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you! We know you'll do great and offer a lot to this company. God's blessings to you. Keep us posted. Rach and Spence
next month we find out the sex of the baby :) 3 days before Spence turns 30!!!

MSB said...

I will miss our afternoon chats! But, I am so happy that you found a job!

Anonymous said...

How's the job? I guess this should be your 2nd day now. I hope it's going well and that you and Mark are happy in your new life in the south.
Trip leaves in about 3 weeks for school so I will have to get used to our new routine as well. It will just be me and the cats :(
I will have to make several trips up to see you on the weekends this fall. Maybe we can go to some of the FSU football games near where you live. I will call you soon to get the update.

MSB said...

Are you too busy at work now to blog?? How about calling?? What is your work schedule? When can I call you?