Thursday, March 15, 2007

From 70 to Snowy!

I have had it with mother nature! Yesterday, the weather was warm getting up to nearly 75 by the evening and spring fever was everywhere. I enjoyed my walk and wore shorts to the gym. Today, the temperature is 50- not so bad, but tonight it drops to 30 and the rain we are having now will turn to snow. A nor-easter is on the horizon! That is not the kind of Easter I am looking forward to. Ughh. Winter- Ughh. Commuting in the snow.

On a happier note- We finally purchased a new camera! So, photos should become more plentiful on the site.

And on the major announcement side of the house: We are moving! yet again! We are heading south to Charlotte. I do not have a position lined up at this time, but MW will be working at Wachovia. I hope to find a role in a big bank down there as well. My resume is circulating so keep your fingers crossed. The move will take place soon- within the next two months I expect to be moved-

Take care everyone- and stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

How exciting! Make sure you send pics of that one house that MW called me about. I am interested to see it. Are you and MW still going to be able to move and going on your mini-vacation next month? I am happy for you both!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful Tricia I know you've about had it with your job so I hope you find something you enjoy and feel comfortable in your surroundings. Congrats to MW and keep us posted!! Rach

KBG said...

That's crazy - T. just had a friend change jobs about two months ago and he went to work for Wachovia too. They must be hiring, hiring, hiring. I remember when they were only located in North and South Carolina. Kind of funny. Maybe I'm old. Congrats - and now maybe we can get together this summer - only 1.5 hours from my parents!

Anonymous said...

KBG- We should definitely get together this summer!! TW

MSB said...

I am so bummed that we didn't get to see each other... but, my guest room awaits you!