Friday, July 11, 2008

Sick pup

Our little problem child seems to have received another dose of bad luck. He is at the Vet right now waiting to be seen. There is a slight bit of humor in the story- I called this morning a different pet smart vet that we had not yet been to. It recently opened and many of the same people who worked at our primary vet moved to the new one. I decided to move to this new one since it is closer to the house- Anyway, I called and asked to drop Bailey off and they said we couldn't because we had not been seen there before- OK. Well, when I got there they immediately recognized me and Bailey and said it was ok to drop him off! Not good they recognize us, but good I could drop him off and head into the office. Not sure if this is humorous or sad, but I did get a slight laugh thinking about how well all of the local vets know us : (

Anyway, back to the problem- our boy had shots on Tuesday morning- many shots. We do this every year, so I thought nothing of it- until Wednesday night when he started pacing and panting and acting very odd- best description "beside himself." He kept us up in the night and then in the morning he seemed somewhat better. We went to work- and then last night we got home and had a repeat, only it seemed to be getting worse. I tried to give him water and food, but he would not eat. He is out of his head- it is so sad and strange all at the same time. So, this morning he was dropped off for a check up and now I am concerned that the panting and pacing is coupled with no food or water for I don't know how long- we feed the dogs together and we don't monitor too closely. Last night is when I realized the eating problem.

To top it all off he has not responded to what we call "the magic treat machine" aka the ice-maker. He loves ice cubes and if you go to the ice machine he is instantly standing there looking up at you waiting for a treat- no interest! That is how we know he is sick

Being the stressed mom that I am I decided to post about this- I will update when I know what is ailing him...keep him in your puppy prayers.


jill said...

Are these vaccine shots? B/c kids will sometimes have a delayed response a few days after they are administered and be miserable for a few days. Hopefully it's as simple as that!! Fingers crossed

Anonymous said...

Yickes Bailey had shots the same day as Seth hope Bailey bounces back just like Seth did :) I know we're comparing animals to humans but Bailey is somewhat of a person himself. Keep us posted as we love both of your dogs and want to see them healthy and happy. Much love and hugs to Bailey. Rachel, Spencer and Seth

Childress Family said...

Hope he's better soon!