Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One hour. Big Change.

Mark this on your calendar- two posts in two days!

I just received a notice from the World Wildlife Foundation that I wanted to share with everyone. It reads:

On March 29, 2008, cities around the world will join together to literally turn off the lights for one hour to offer leadership and symbolize their commitment to finding climate change solutions. Individuals, local businesses and corporations will also be asked to turn off their lights. Will you join in?

I thought this sounded pretty neat- but then I realized that the time is from 8-9pm. So, 8-9pm where? EST, Central, What? I guess the idea is great even if it is on a rolling time clock. I think it is a simple way to join a cause and thought you may be interested.

So, mark your calendars to sit in the dark on 3/29 from 8-9pm!

...and by the way Earth Day this year is on April 22nd- don't forget to plant a tree!

This is Kermit the frog here reporting for the usual blogger that fills this space.

Have a great day- and remember "It's not easy being green!"

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