Friday, January 16, 2009

Overwhelmed, overjoyed, and just plain grateful

Yesterday was quite a stressful day in my corner of the universe (as well as many others). Not only did we ask for a bail out and our stock prices plummeted to all time lows, but a plane miraculously crash landed into the Hudson rive carrying 19 fellow associates. The news hit the office like the plane crashed into the icy water- we all heard one by one and quietly said our prayers. We watched patiently and word began to trickle in that the heroic pilot had saved each passenger on board! To see the photos of the event fill me with overwhelming feelings of amazement, joy, and just plain fear of what could have been. What an amazing event. If only, we woke up today to as good of news as last nights that the 19 associates being safe and sound- we instead got the worst earnings report in history. I pray for our country- that humanity will do what is right, that people will lean on each other and we will save ourselves from this disaster. I just can't help but wonder: When will it all end? Where is the bottom? Are we going to be ok?

1 comment:

Popo and Nana and Gong Gong and Granda said...

I think we all thank God for the miracle on the Hudson yesterday and we can only pray that somehow we will recover from this terrible economy. Hopefully, we will have learned something from it. You kids are young enough to recover. I sometimes wonder if we older ones will. Trust in God. That's all we can do.