Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My project

I need to work on before and after shots. Recently, I recovered the cornice boards in my kitchen. The photos our below. I could not have done it without the help of JW! It was a fun project since it was something I had never done before. Where the brown fabric is used to be a pink gingham and the blue was an ugly striped fabric. I reused the board and voila!

My next project is the family room. Stay tuned.
In the meantime I have a miserable cold so I am going to bed...


MSB said...

Very pretty... I can't wait to see it in person... I told Jeff that if we have to stay CONUS that I wanted to go to NC to be near you!

KBG said...

Those look really nice - what a great job!

Anonymous said...

Pretty! Sorry to hear you are sick...I am too. I had to stay home from work today. stinks..