Sunday, June 3, 2007


Who termed being enviromentally concious being "green" anyway? Kermit? How do you determine a person who is green. I have been called out on my "lack of greeness" for using disposable toilet bowl cleaners (you know who you are). However, the wand is reusable, it is the sponge that is not. And I have not yet admitted this on my blog, but I love Lysol wipes! Yes, I use them like crazy! But, I do not like papertowels. Hmmmm.

So, what does it take to save the earth? I want to know everyone's tricks on keeping mother nature clean and preventing global warming. Here are a few of the things I do:

  • I recycle everything accepted by the town

  • I turn off the water when brushing my teeth.

  • I don't always accept plastic bags at the store and the ones i do take I reuse

  • I don't buy paper plates, cups, etc

  • we minimize the use of heat and a/c. Yes, sometimes we suffer a bit

  • I plant a tree every year on earth day - or something if I can't plant a tree(a tradition since I was a kid)

  • I never do a half load of laundry or wash one thing just as I never run anything but a full dishwasher

  • I replaced EVERY single DARN lightbulb in the house with energy saving LIGHTBULBS. Now that is a task. (I may have had some help)

Those are the things that come to mind right away. I would love to hear other quick thoughts and ideas on other ways to make our natural life a bit better. By the way, I love the MINI and it does pretty well on gas mileage, but that only justifies the Volvo SUV. However, they both do better than a lot of the gas guzzlers on the street.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read: "Save water, shower together."


KBG said...

Okay, okay, I give - you're very green.

**And I would like to point out for the record that TW and I have exchanged emails and we aren't angry at each other (and never were). I'm afraid that you're all going to think we're having a very public tiff, when, in fact, we are not. Just wanted to clear the air.**

Back to tips on being enviro conscious... Um, we've switched to using cloth napkins (it's my justification since I can't give up Viva paper towels). I also have stopped using liquid fabric softener - so BAD for the earth - and started putting vinegar in instead. Sounds weird, but it still leaves your clothes static free, soft, and rinses without a smell. Not only that, but it's not bad for the environment and it's WAY cheaper!

We have to buy another car when we get back and we've really been researching. It looks like we're going to go hybrid, but that's still in the works.

Boy, this is long. Looking forward to trying to get together this summer, TW!

Anonymous said...

Vinegar? You can clean everything with vinegar!!! You can actually clean your toilets with it as well. Just an FYI.
My neighbor has a hybrid Honda Civic and she loves it. It gets about 45 miles to the gallon. She is upset because she feels she should be getting 50!
And of course there is no public tiff!!!

MSB said...

I wish I wanted to be more green... Okay, I want to be, but I just need the motivation.
I, too, am addicted to bleach wipes. I actually buy clorox wipes at Costco because with three kids I go through them like nothing else. We also use paper towels like nobody's business. BAD, BAD, BAD, I know.
We do recycle everything we can here in Spokane, but that is very limited. I have seen the recycle guys take things out of our bin and put them in the garbage can.
I do use vinegar to clean a lot of things. This is totally thanks to my German landlord. It really does get things clean. But, I do miss the fresh smell of cleaner.
Anyway... I will watch both yours and KBG's blog and hopefully find my motivation.

jill said...

I run around like a loon turning off lights in rooms that are vacant and reuse disposable cups continuously.
Good to make it a goal about being "green" instead of being "cheap", which is my honest motivation!!! It's a win/win.

Anonymous said...

Ha. Do not ask me. I don't believe humans are the cause for the planet warming or can do really anything to change it. I will say I do not like to be wasteful though. Mainly because I am cheap ;)
I reuse plastic ziploc bags when they are not really that dirty. I will rinse them out and dry them to reuse them for something else. I keep my air at 78 usually and 80 when I am not home during the day. I water my lawn twice a week only. I also do alot of my cooking at once and eat it all week instead of firing up the oven/stove everyday. Also eating less meat will save energy.
I can't wait to see you & Mark next weekend! We will have a blast. Do you need me to send you addresses etc?

alicia said...

Hey Tricia! Try this site. They send great daily tips about how to be more green:
I also use cloth napkins. I still use paper towels too, but very rarely (usually having to do with my cats!). Brian and I happen to like low lighting, so we are pretty good about keeping the electric bill low. We do not air condition our entire house, only the bedroom. We also do not eat a lot of meat. I have considered going strictly vegetarian, mostly for environmental reasons, but without Brian on board it is very hard to cook dinner! So we just keep our meat consumption to a minimum. Another thing that we do is bring our own bags to the grocery store. Stores like Whole Foods even offer a 5 cent discount for using your own bags (I know its not much, but at least its something to motivate people!). If I think of more I will let you know! I do believe that if we can get more people to be green like us that it WILL make a difference. Nice blog topic Tricia!