Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Contest

So, is running contests for best photo. Right now they have a few and I have decided to enter. I think it sounds fun. I missed the dog contest and I am pretty upset about it since I have some great pooch shots. Anyway, I entered the below photo for city scape's. If you want to vote for it go to: and be sure to give me 5 stars! It may not be my best photo, but I had it readily available.

I know some of you are quite the photographers yourself and thought you may want to compete. Check it out because there is a winter wonderland one and a valentine one. I plan to look at my Austria photos for a winter scape. I have some some good ones.

And by the way. My arms are extremely sore from the gym. I am determined to get back in shape. We went last night- saw a girl in a unitard. It was red and had long pants on it and a white section that was made to look like a sports bra but it was all connected. Interesting. My exact words," what the heck is that?"

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I voted for you! Of course, I love Venezia too!

MSB said...

What a great picture!

Childress Family said...

I voted for you! The others weren't that impressive, really. Except for the one of Vancouver. That was pretty good. I think you have a good chance. :-)