Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Thanksgiving Plans

This year the other half and I will be spending Thanksgiving separately. This is not the first holiday apart, but it is the first where we have had control over the situation and opted to be in separate locations. We had been planning since July to go to NC to visit the in-laws and in early October my plans were disrupted. I happily accepted a new position within my firm, but the stipulation was that November is the busiest month of the year. In other words- don’t even think about taking time off. Although I was disappointed I could not travel there was nothing prohibiting the other half from going. So he is leaving Tuesday evening and returning Sunday. I will work Wednesday and Friday and possibly some of the weekend. It has not yet been determined. The up side is that my sister is a new resident in the area as of November 22nd! She will close on her loft the day before Thanksgiving and we will most likely spend Turkey day shifting furniture and looking through boxes. Plan B is to spend the day at my place with the beloved pups. I probably will make an apple pie at the least. I haven’t given much thought to the meal…I am not cooking it…hmmm…or maybe I am? Is it a sin to not eat Turkey on Thanksgiving? I guess it depends who you ask. It looks like I have some grocery shopping to do.

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