It appears that they had better weather for the holiday then I did - It poured extremely cold rain all day yesterday. The Mini was challenged by a few floods on the ride to my sisters house. I even checked for water in the car after one of the lakes I went through, but cooper did me proud! She was a champ, didn't even sputter or kick.
Christmas is going to be at our house this year. I plan to decorate the house next weekend. I am really looking forward to it. We have not decorated for Christmas since 2003. In '04 we were apart and in '05 we were living out of suitcases, so this year is certain to be festive around the house. I can't wait to see all of the things I have collected from the Weinachts Markts again! I really miss the markets. I actually saw a couple of markets in NYC set up in parks that remind me a little of them. I am going to check them out. I am sure there will not be Gluwein, but luckily I still have a little stashed from Germany.
Yes, it is true. We live on Freedom Lane. It fits us pretty well. This is the first time we have sent out photos of the house. Here is its debut!The kitchen is finally finished. When we moved in we were without a kitchen sink, had no tiles on the back splash, and a whole where the whine fridge would eventually be (not photographed). It took a while. We figure the housewarming will be at the one year. I chose to photograph the parts of the house that look good - our work is not done.
This is my favorite part...Finally, I have a photograph of our upstairs foyer which includes a built in desk. You will notice that their are paint swatches all over the wall. We can't decide what color to paint the hall so we now have an interesting design techinique...See for yourself.
Come and visit us soon!